End of Month – September 2014

The year is running away and it’s hard to believe it’s so late now. I have mixed feelings as I always love the excitement of this time of year with Hallowe’en, Bonfire night and then the big C. But I also crave the sun and the seemingly care-free summer months.

It’s slim pickings this month; I have so few photos to pick from that I’ve barely scraped together anything for this post. I believe things have gone over much earlier this year and I haven’t spent much time at all in the garden this month.

There’s little change in the front garden and that pesky Foxglove is still there and needs pulling out. I’ve shaken it around to spread its seed in the border but just haven’t yet quite got around to pulling it out… Not entirely sure why.

The border under the window continues to look good and I have one lovely little bud on the anemones. Yay. One. Honestly, I’m giving up on them. I’ve bought at least 10 over the years and haven’t even managed 10 blooms.
At least the Garrya nearby is going to have a lovely show this year.

Onto the back garden the Rudbeckias are the main feature in the right border at the moment and is joined by a few blooms on rose Harlow Carr (not shown).

It’s the time of year where I spot the plants which ‘die well’ and those which, well… I’d rather hide. Sanguisorba is one of them (bottom left of the left-most photo below).

The second is the Veronicastrum – centre. Which actually looks ok right now, but I know it won’t be long before it’s just a horrible, black, rotten mess.

This weekend I plan a trip to the tip to get rid of a fair amount of garden waste – mainly Buddleja and I hope to get in a little more tidying so I don’t have to make numerous trips… Over the last few months it’s felt like I’ve lived at the tip and my car is full of debris and spiders. Lovely. So it would be nice to vacuum it knowing that’s the last of the mess – for a while at least.
Copyright 2014 Liz.
All rights reserved. Content created by Liz for Gwirrel’s Garden

10 thoughts on “End of Month – September 2014

  1. I know exactly what you mean about the way some plants die, they can be right off putting and ruin an otherwise nice wee scene. I think the veronicastrum is a prime example, as are sisyrinchium in my opinion.
    My garden bin is full to bursting and thankfully it gets emptied tomorrow or else I’d be doing the dump run myself.
    Those Rudbeckia look stunning in the light Liz. Well captured.

    • Hi Angie,

      The worst is globe thistle; they really do look manky when dying. Oh, and thistles often look really nasty too so I cut them back as they go to seed.

      Ah, garden bins. Aren’t you the lucky one?? Until recently we didn’t even have them in my area – even though I have a ‘good-sized’ garden considering it’s an urban area. Yet in my previous house where I have a 5×5 tiny yard, I did have green bins! Anyway, we now have to pay for them, and I wouldn’t mind that but as I’m planning on moving I think it’s a waste of time.

      However, I now wish I’d just gone for the green bin and saved myself all these trips to the tip and a very messy car.

  2. The books just don’t tend to tell you about plants dying horribly, do they, or those that need their legs hiding! At least the new perrenial gardening books highlight plants good all year round. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to be without veronicastrums, and they do have lovely autumn colour. Hope you get to vacuum your car boot soon!!

    • Hi Janet,

      Well, I do believe you’ve just found your niche, Janet! We could write a book on plants which die well, and those which die horribly.

      I too couldn’t be without Veronicastrum as it’s just too nice. Although I’d love it even more if they had a longer bloom period as they don’t tend to last that long.

  3. But you’ll feel wonderful after all those trips – I find it rewarding having big clears! The Golfer has just emptied and vacuumed the boot of his car…looks unreal! Like you I have been noticing the plants that don’t die well – perhaps it’s worse this year as it has been so dry – and I have cut some things down far earlier than I might otherwise do. It seems as if this year late summer (OK so it’s not late summer any more) borders are only colourful if they have been watered… 😦

    • Hi Cathy,

      Normally I don’t ever need to vacuum my car, because there’s only ever me in it and occasionally Pete, it doesn’t ever get dirty – so it’s valeted during its service and that’s it! But I don’t think I can wait another 5 months… definitely needs cleaning.
      I think it’s also because most plants flowered earlier than normal this year with the non-winter we had everything started nice and early, sadly also meant most things finished early too and I’m left with only a few ‘gems’ left.

  4. Best wishes for the gardening this weekend. I worked for a couple of hours this morning transplanting Colchicum cilicicum to the backyard – they have multiplied rapidly so there are plenty to snug in next to the path. Sorry for your Anemone woes. I have also killed many, many types, but A. robustissima is actually thriving this year. I think of your description of plants that don’t die well when I walk by my astrantias, some of which are patchy yellow and brown messes.

  5. Where has this year gone ! Hard to believe it is time for the big clear up after the party ! It does feel quite therapeutic to do all that slash and burn stuff I suppose !

  6. I love your description “plants which ‘die well’.” Unfortunately, Liz, I seem to have many more that don’t die well, and a lot of work to do. I must stop procrastinating. Your asters are looking good. P. x

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