Friday Flowers

Because I haven’t posted a Friday Flower post in such a long time and I have a plethora of photos to post I am quickly getting very behind on posting.

These photos are from my parent’s plum cherry tree, taken at Easter before we had high winds for a day or two and blew everything away!

If there is only one plant I’m allowed to have in the future; it would be a Plum Cherry. I’ve wanted one for so long. It’s a shame they’re such large trees.

As promised in my Blogger’s Bloom day post; some photos of the Autumn Cherry with blossom-laden branches. Also taken a couple of weeks ago, there is now only a few blooms left.

And finally blossom which isn’t really blossom at all… Magnolia Stellata. This year I had fewer blooms than previous years, I don’t remember last summer it suffering from lack of water – I always watch for browning leaves – so perhaps it’s just luck or the late snows we had this winter that damaged a lot of the buds.

Copyright 2015 Liz.
All rights reserved. Content created by Liz for Gwirrel’s Garden

9 thoughts on “Friday Flowers

  1. Pretty as always! My Kwanzan cherry finally has a half-decent floral show. But only half-decent – maybe next year will finally be completely great. Love those spring blossoms and blooms 🙂

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